Person Writing on Notebook

Looking back–My reflections on a year of GCSE English and Maths online tuition (and the launch of Halliday Tutorial!)

So that’s it! As another academic year draws to a close and the last few sessions come to an end, I thought I would sum up the year for our most recent blog.

What a year it has been. Lots of new students, expanding our team, the launch of GCSE Maths tuition, small groups sessions AND the official business launch of Halliday Tutorial! Looking back on where it all began around six years ago, before the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is incredible to see how far tutoring services have come.

Previously I ran the odd session for friends and family around my full-time job as an English teacher, then I started to get recommendations and suddenly queries started pouring in. I made the decision to go deliver online tuition services as it’s so much more convenient for parents and students and modern technology makes it easy to share screens, resources and conversations. Halliday tutorial has not looked back since!!

I’ve had a full range of fabulous students this year–from Year 7’s wanting to improve their basic language skills all the way up to Year 11’s, pushing for the best grade possible at GCSE English and GCSE Maths. All my students have flourished under 121 tuition and I have very high expectations for GCSE results day this year. My Year 11’s really ramped up the work ethic this year–revision packs were sent out and used, past papers were completed and extra lessons given. All this hard work and dedication was amazing to see and inspires me every day to be the best teacher I can be.

In a time where traditional classroom sizes are increasing and the educational landscape is facing challenges, online tuition emerges as a valuable resource to provide the personalised support necessary for students to excel. The individualised attention and targeted guidance offered through online platforms play a crucial role in helping students unlock their full potential and achieve academic success.

So what now? As June draws to a close and we approach the magical summer holidays, the last of the lessons take place, new clients are enrolling for September and our first summer schools are fully booked up and proving to be a real success.

If you are thinking about online tuition for your child–either 121 or a small group – don’t hesitate to get in touch. Every one of my students has found the lessons beneficial. Whether quiet and studious or chatty and sociable, online is a fabulous way to connect and share ideas as well as developing confidence and improving those English and maths skills. Feedback from both parents and students helps to motivate me to keep improving and developing the lessons to keep pushing students to get the grade they deserve.

Enjoy your summer and remember a rest is just as important as revision!

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Amy x

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