Beige Straw Hat, Book, Sunglasses, and Drink Beside Pool

The Importance of Self-Care and Relaxation for Teachers during the Summer Break

As the academic year ends and we prepare to go on that well deserved holiday, it is essential to prioritise self care and relaxation. In this blog post, we will explore why taking care of yourself is crucial for teachers during the summer break and how you can make the most of this time to…

Person Writing on Notebook

Looking back–My reflections on a year of GCSE English and Maths online tuition (and the launch of Halliday Tutorial!)

So that’s it! As another academic year draws to a close and the last few sessions come to an end, I thought I would sum up the year for our most recent blog. What a year it has been. Lots of new students, expanding our team, the launch of GCSE Maths tuition, small groups sessions…